There are a variety of meditation methods that suit most people. However, there is no “right way” to meditate, meaning someone can explore the different types until they find one…
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) was created in the 1990s by Gary Craig. It is a gentle self-help technique, that uses the art of tapping on acupuncture pressure points to release negative…
What can you do to develop your personal resilience? To develop the seven characteristics, focus on three areas ofpersonal development. What do we mean by resilience? Simply put, resilience is…
Ontological Coaching comes from the teachings of Ontology. Ontology comes from philosophical study of the nature of being, becoming, existence, or reality. This along with the basic types of being…
Trauma release exercises (TRE) don’t require any expensive equipment or specialised knowledge. Dr. Berceli developed the first seven TRE stretches, all involving physical movement. The last trauma release exercise uses…
Tension and Trauma Release Exercise (TRE®) is an innovative, body-based technique used to reduce the impact of deeply held stress, tension and trauma (including PTSD). Traditionally, treatment for the symptoms…
Eco therapy, also known as nature therapy or green therapy, is the applied practice of the emergent field of eco psychology, which was developed by Theodore Roszak. Eco therapy, stems from the belief that…
Schema Therapy or schema focussed therapy is designed to address unmet needs and to help clients break these patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving and to develop healthier alternatives to…
Circumstances that can cause the response of trauma can be a single event or multiple incidents over an extended period. Responses to trauma can last for weeks to months before people start…