Shamanic drumming is an ancient practice used by indigenous cultures for thousands of years.
It is a form of healing that uses the rhythmic beat of a drum to induce an altered state of consciousness and connect with the spirit world.
A History of Shamanic Drumming
Shamanic drumming has been used by cultures across the world for thousands of years.

The oldest known shamanic drum is over 8,000 years old and was found in the Ural Mountains of Russia. The drum was made from a hollowed-out tree trunk and decorated with symbols and images.
In shamanic cultures, the drum was considered a sacred instrument that could connect the shaman with the spirit world. The rhythmic beat of the drum was believed to induce a trance state, allowing the shaman to communicate with spirits and ancestors.

This was not widely accepted by general public and in 1681, a noaidi, or shaman, to enter a trance and walk among spirits, was confiscated by the authorities. The owner, Anders Poulsson – or Poala-Ánde in the name’s Sámi form – was tried for witchcraft the following year.
Poulsson told the court, according to official records, that his mother had taught him how to use the rune drum, because “he wanted to help people in distress, and with his art he wanted to do good, and his mother said that she would teach him such an art”.
Before a verdict was reached, he was murdered, with an axe, by a man who had “taken leave of his senses”.
Poulsson’s drum entered the Danish royal collection, and later became the property of the National Museum of Denmark – until this century when it was handed back to the Sámi people,

How Does Shamanic Drumming Work?
During a shamanic drumming session, the drum is played at a steady pace and volume, with the intention of inducing a trance state. The drumming can be accompanied by chanting, singing, or other forms of vocalisation to enhance the experience.
This can bring about a state of trance or altered consciousness. The beat of the drum in rhythm helps to slow down brainwave activity, allowing the mind to enter a relaxed and receptive state.
This state of trance can be used for a variety of purposes, including healing, journeying, and spiritual exploration.
In conclusion, shamanic drumming is a powerful tool for healing, spiritual growth, and exploration. It has a rich history that spans across cultures and continents, and it continues to be used today as a form of meditation, relaxation, and spiritual practice. Whether you are looking to reduce stress, connect with the spirit world, or explore your own consciousness, shamanic drumming can be a valuable tool to add to your spiritual toolkit.