In our modern, industrial world, we’re exposed to a variety of toxins
in our daily lives through pollution, personal hygiene products,
cleaning agents, and even our own food. Because of these high
levels of toxin exposure, we have turned to equally synthetic
answers for our health problems.
Though it has become the norm, we don’t need to turn to synthetic chemicals to improve our lives or solve our problems. We can use what nature has already given us to live healthy, happy lives. Taken straight from the earth, essential oils allow us to capture the full power of nature and bring it into our homes, combating toxins and giving our bodies what they truly crave—gentle, natural solutions to our problems. Building on ancient traditions, we now have the scientific research and technology needed to put that power into a bottle.
On any given day, we use a lot of products. We cook, clean, play sports, sleep, work, and complete a wide variety of activities. When you want to add flavour to your food, you go to the store to buy spices. When your child isn’t feeling well, you go to the pharmacy. When you need to get a stain out of your shirt, you buy laundry detergent. Beyond a simple trip to the store, we often don’t take the time to think about the items we are buying, what they are made of, and where they really come from.