Course Content
Ancient Remedies
People of ancient civilizations used entire plants, extracts, and various plant parts to make life easier, transforming the gifts of the earth into everything from textiles to remedies. Ancient people believed that the earth gave them everything they needed to solve all of their problems.
How can essential oils help in daily life
You might not realize it, but essential oils can be used to improve nearly any activity of the day. Here’s how your day might go if you used essential oils.
What are essential oils?
We’ve established that essential oils can be a useful tool for those looking to escape synthetic chemicals and live a more holistic, natural lifestyle. But what exactly are essential oils? Where do they come from? How do we get them?
How are essential oils made?
The exact process of producing an essential oil varies depending on what type of plant the oil comes from.However, the basic idea is to separate the oil from its original plant part. This is done using specialised machinery. As mentioned earlier, essential oils can hide within different parts of plants, often in microscopic amounts. Specialised machinery helps separate the microscopic oil molecules from their delicate plant parts.
The benefits of essential oils
From washing your hair and cleaning your kitchen counter to ingesting oils for digestive health and beyond, essential oils can become a regular part of your day.Essential oils have changed daily routines for millions of people around the world.
How to use essential oils
If you still think learning to use essential oils is complicated, you might be surprised at how easy it can be.
Thank you
Now, you’ve learned that essential oils are all around us. You’ve seen how our ancestors used the natural world to care for themselves and their families. We’ve even walked through the journey that a plant must take to become an essential oil. You know that when you use essential oils, you have the power of the Earth in your hands. With this knowledge, hopefully it’s easy to see why people around the world have used and continue to use essential oils to improve their quality of life.
An Introduction to Essential Oils
    About Lesson

    Not all oils are created equal,
    and low-quality oils can have
    synthetic additives or impurities.

    Essential oils have a long history of safe and effective usage.
    When you use pure essential oils in the appropriate amount,
    they can absolutely be safe for your home, your family, and
    yourself. Like anything else that you’d use in your home,
    essential oils are safe when you adhere to recommended
    dosage amounts and use them as intended.

    Before using an oil, verify that it’s a high-quality and pure
    essential oil. Only use essential oils that have gone through
    extensive testing to ensure purity and safety. Not all oils
    are created equal, and low-quality oils can have synthetic
    additives or impurities. If you aren’t confident that an oil has
    been tested for purity and safety, avoid using it.

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