Pregnancy For example, people commonly wonder about using essential oils during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Due to the ethical issue of testing expecting mothers and their fetuses, limited clinical studies address the safety of essential oils during pregnancy. However, there’s a history of safe use of essential oils during pregnancy, and you can continue to use them while you are expecting. Pay attention to how you feel when using the oils. During pregnancy, it’s not uncommon for a woman to be more sensitive to oils. Due to these sensitivities and all of the changes that occur in the body when pregnant, it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor before using essential oils during pregnancy.
Breastfeeding In addition to concerns about essential oils and pregnancy, many ask about using essential oils while breastfeeding. The body changes significantly during pregnancy, and these changes don’t end with the baby’s birth—your body continues to change as you adapt to postpartum life. Just as you should discuss beforehand the use of essential oils with your doctor for pregnancy, you’ll also want to consult with him or her if you choose to nurse. Your healthcare provider is the best resource you have for advice when it comes to your body, your baby, and any special concerns you might have.