Be aware of possible sensitivity It’s important to consider your personal needs when it comes to safety. For example, if you have naturally sensitive skin, you may need to dilute certain oils. You might find that specific oils cause sensitivity when you use them, even when diluted. If that’s the case, you might avoid using that oil, use a smaller amount, or alter your application method to avoid sensitivity. Some people might wonder about essential oils and allergies. Can you have an allergic reaction to essential oils? Allergic reactions occur when the body experiences an abnormal immune reaction to a protein molecule.
Pure essential oils are completely made up of aromatic compounds found in nature; they don’t contain protein molecules. That means they don’t cause allergic reactions in the same way that, for example, peanuts or eggs might. However, essential oils can bind to proteins in the skin and create a type of molecule that the body may recognise as an allergen, thus creating an allergic response. This is unusual and depends on many things, such as the type and amount of oil being used, the individual’s protein levels, and even genetics. If you experience an adverse reaction to an essential oil, stop using it immediately. For topical reactions, don’t try washing the essential oil off with water, and do not apply additional essential oils.
Apply a neutral carrier oil to the area instead. If the problem persists, talk to a healthcare professional.