Most women don’t know they need testosterone!

Your body has a small quantity of testosterone, which plays an major role in your quality of life.

You may have heard about low testosterone in men—and maybe you’ve heard that testosterone helps women’s libido (sexual desire) as they age. Yet you probably don’t know about the rest of testosterone’s extraordinary benefits for women.


• Helps women slim down and shape up. Testosterone gives you the ability to make muscle and create a healthy muscle/fat ratio and a lean body, as Stephanie discovered. Muscle burns calories at rest—even while you watch TV, drive the car, or work on your laptop or iPad. Which is another reason why men lose more weight than women. They have more muscle than we do and burn more calories sitting on the couch.
• Improves women’s mood. Research shows testosterone elevates mood in depressed women as well as or better than anti-depressant medication.
• May prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia. One in six women develops Alzheimer’s vs. 1 in 10 men. Could testosterone be the reason? We know studies link higher testosterone levels in men with better mental function. Low levels of testosterone in older men may predict cognitive decline. In addition, a 2011 study by The Endocrine Society suggests testosterone may protect women against dementia.
• Helps women’s hearts. Low levels of testosterone in postmenopausal women are linked with greater risk of cardiac disease. Studies suggest that testosterone therapy after a heart attack may help remodel cardiac tissue due to the abundant number of testosterone receptors in the heart.
• Increases women’s energy. Optimal testosterone levels are associated with increased energy in men and women.
• Lifts women’s sex life. Testosterone improves sex drive and sexual response in many women and can increase sexual thoughts, fantasies, activity, and satisfaction.
• Builds bones and prevents (and is one of the best ways to treat) osteoporosis. Testosterone is so much safer than scary Fosamax, too.
• Improves skin tone and texture. Women who boost their testosterone notice the difference in firmer, more elastic, less crepe-y skin. They also find thinning hair becomes thicker.
Although many studies confirm testosterone’s benefits for men, little research is available on its advantages for women except in the area of libido (sexual desire) and some great research on successful treatment of depressed women with testosterone. Many researchers are looking at estrogen, progesterone, and Vitamin D, but testosterone is often overlooked. Yet testosterone does so much more for women than helping libido.

Want to know more about your testosterone? Contact me about a blood test or hormone consultation today!


Nurse Sarah Barker


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