How long does antidepressant withdrawal last?

Antidepressants balance chemicals in the brain that regulate sadness and anxiety. For some people with depression, these drugs can correct a chemical imbalance.

Those who have taken antidepressants for over six weeks are more likely to have withdrawal symptoms if they stop taking the drugs.

People taking antidepressants should never stop “cold turkey.” Quitting suddenly throws the brain into a state of imbalance that can be worse than before. The resulting symptoms are both psychological and physical. see also Side Effects of Coming off anti depressants

Medical professionals often refer to withdrawal from antidepressants as “discontinuation syndrome.” This is because “withdrawal syndrome” implies an addiction is present, and antidepressants are considered non-addictive. Discontinuation syndrome and withdrawal both describe the same effects caused by quitting antidepressants.

Some doctors believe “discontinuation” undermines the serious effects of quitting antidepressants I personally feel they are addictive.


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